Needlecrafts Crochet Crochet Basics

How to Crochet the Star Stitch

How to Work Star Stitch in Crochet

The Spruce / Mollie Johanson

In crochet, the star stitch forms rows of starburst-like stitches. It creates a beautiful thick texture and is great for dense projects, such as washcloths and winter blankets. This stitch is sometimes called the "Marguerite stitch," the "daisy stitch," or even a "spiked cluster." That's helpful to know because it gives a visual of how you'll form each "star" with a cluster of "spikes," which you work between.

To make the pattern, you will work rows of half double crochet stitches between the rows of stars. The directions below are for making a standard five-spike star stitch, though you can make star stitches with varying numbers of spikes. Starting with the basics will help you understand how to make any stitch variation.


Watch Now: How to Crochet a Simple Star Stitch

  • 01 of 14

    Make the Foundation Chain and Start the Star Stitch

    Start Star Stitch Like a Single Crochet

    The Spruce / Mollie Johanson

    Start with a foundation chain. If you're working with a pattern, it'll tell you how many chains to make. Otherwise, begin with an odd number of chain stitches.

    Insert your hook into the second chain from the hook. Yarn over and pull a loop through.

    This is the beginning of a single crochet stitch, but instead of completing the entire stitch, leave the loop on the hook.

  • 02 of 14

    Draw up Loops on the Hook

    Draw Up Loops

    The Spruce / Mollie Johanson

    Insert your hook into the next chain, yarn over, and pull through. The hook now has three loops.

    Continue inserting your hook into subsequent chains, yarning over and pulling through until your hook has six loops.


    Work with loose tension but keep it even, so all the loops on the hook are the same size.

  • 03 of 14

    Yarn Over and Pull Through the Loops

    Draw the Yarn Through Stitch Loops

    The Spruce / Mollie Johanson

    With six loops on your hook, yarn over one more time and pull through all six loops. The loops create the "spikes" that make up your first star.

  • 04 of 14

    Finish the First Star

    Chain 1 to Finish the Star

    The Spruce / Mollie Johanson

    Chain one. This finishes the star and creates an "eye" in the center. You'll work into the eye, so getting a feel for the stitch design is helpful. 

    Continue to 5 of 14 below
  • 05 of 14

    Begin the Second Star

    Draw Up a Loop Through the Star Stitch Center

    The Spruce / Mollie Johanson

    Next, insert your hook into the "eye" you just made. Yarn over and pull through. Your hook will now have two loops.

  • 06 of 14

    Insert the Hook Between the Spikes

    Draw Up a Loop Through the Star Spikes

    The Spruce / Mollie Johanson

    Insert your hook into the space between the two last "spikes" from the first "star." Yarn over and pull through. Your hook will have three loops.

    Placement is everything with the crochet star stitch, so pay careful attention to where you insert the hook at each step.

  • 07 of 14

    Insert the Hook Into the Chain

    Draw Up Loops Through the Other Stitches

    The Spruce / Mollie Johanson

    Insert your hook into the same chain where you worked the last stitch of the previous star. Yarn over and pull through. There will now be four loops on your hook.

    Insert your hook into the next chain, yarn over, and pull through. Repeat in the next chain.

    This will give you six loops on your hook.

  • 08 of 14

    Complete the Second Star

    Chain 1 to Complete the Second Star Stitch

    The Spruce / Mollie Johanson

    Finish this second star as you did the first one. Yarn over and pull through all six loops on the hook. Chain one to close the second star.

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  • 09 of 14

    Crochet Star Stitch Across Row

    Add Star Stitches Across the Row

    The Spruce / Mollie Johanson

    Repeat the steps above to make stars across the row.

    When you reach the end, make one hdc in the last stitch.

  • 10 of 14

    HDC for the Second Row

    Work Two Half Double Crochets in Each Star Stitch

    The Spruce / Mollie Johanson

    Between each row of star stitches, work rows of hdc stitches.

    Turn the work and chain two. This counts as the first hdc stitch of the row. Crochet two hdc stitches into the eye of the star in the row below. 

  • 11 of 14

    Complete the HDC Row

    Add Half Double Crochet Stitches Across the Row

    The Spruce / Mollie Johanson

    Work two hdc in the eye of each star across the row.

    Crochet two hdc in the final stitch when you reach the end.

  • 12 of 14

    Start the Next Star Stitch Row

    Chain 3 and Draw Up Loops

    The Spruce / Mollie Johanson

    The process for making another row of crochet stars is almost the same as before, except that it begins with extra chain stitches.

    Turn the work and chain three.

    Insert your hook into the second chain from the hook. Yarn over and pull through. The hook will now have two loops.

    Insert your hook into the next chain, then yarn over and pull through. There will now be three loops on the hook.

    Continue to 13 of 14 below
  • 13 of 14

    Complete the Star Stitch

    Complete the Star Stitch and Repeat

    The Spruce / Mollie Johanson

    Insert your hook into the following three stitches, doing a yarn over and pull through in each so that you have six stitches on the hook.

    Yarn over and pull through all six loops on the hook. Chain one to close the star.

    This creates the eye of the first star of this row (the third row of the pattern and the second of the star stitch rows).

  • 14 of 14

    Continue Working Star Stitch and HDC Rows

    Star Stitch Crochet Pattern

    The Spruce / Mollie Johanson

    Finish the row of star stitch, then work another row of hdc, and so on.

    Work the crochet star stitch on odd-numbered rows and half double crochet stitches on even-numbered rows.